It’s the place to be.

We love the next generation, and we are a church where youth can grow, learn, and connect on Sundays, Wednesdays, and throughout the week.


We would love to connect you to a leader!


Brave Youth currently meets every Wednesday night at Brave Church Dublin Student Center from 6:30 pm- 8:30 pm. This is a great time during the week for Middle and High School students to come and connect over food, games, teaching, small groups, and hanging out with one another. Whether you may be new to faith or looking to answer some questions, no matter where you are at this is a space for you to come and spend time with one another. The night starts off together as they hang out and then Middle and High School break off into separate rooms for their teaching, games, and small groups.

Brave Church Dublin (Middle School Auditorium Lobby/High School Brave Kids Building)

6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
7500 Inspiration Dr, Dublin, CA 94568

  • Brave Youth is a Movement, a movement started by Jesus 2000 years ago. Our purpose is to love the next generation, and we are a church where youth can grow, learn, and connect on Sundays, Wednesdays, and throughout the week.

  • Service opens at 6:30 PM for students to arrive and hangout! Check in for Middle School is in the Auditorium lobby and High School is in the Brave Kids Building.

  • Brave Youth together small groups on Wednesday nights. This is where students find community in their age range. We believe that real life change and growth happens through authentic relationships. You can’t do life with everyone, but we can create a world where everyone has someone to do life with. As students attend their group, the goal is also for them to grow through mentorships and friendships with others. Our youth together groups help to turn a crowd into a community!

  • At the top of the roundabout students can be dropped off or park their cars and walk down to the check-in area at the front of building.

  • Students arrive on campus as early as 6:30 PM to come and hangout. We start off the night together as we hang out, then breakoff as middle school and high school for games and a teaching, followed by our youth small groups!

  • YES! We love food avaliable at Brave Youth so students can expect to some hungry and we will provide food, sweets, and waters.

  • We are so glad you asked! You can find a Brave Group that meets at the same time. We care about the growth of the whole family and believe that when you and your child attend a Group, the whole family grows together. Check out our Groups HERE!

  • We have equipped, background checked Adults who will serve as Youth Leaders on Brave Youth Nights. We also have our safety team on campus to ensure the safety of our students. Their safety is our top priority.


Our Sunday Middle School service is a new experience taking place every Sunday during our 10:30am services all our Bay Area Campuses. This is a fun place for middle school students to follow Jesus, learn what it means to serve, and make friends. 

Have any questions? Want to serve on our Brave Youth team? Let us know!


We think the best connections happen when you're hanging with friends. Keep an eye out for our next event!

Have a question about Brave Youth?

Send a message to or stay connected on social at @braveyouth!